// The class Patient stores the personal information of a patient as well as // his/her history of medical visits as a vector of Visit objects, all as // private data members. The class interface allows user code to: // - Instantiate a Patient object given (as parameters) all his/her // personal information. No visit history is required. The same // function should also create a patient record file according to // the format specified above. // - Instantiate a Patient object given (as parameter) his/her ID // number. The personal information as well as the visit history of // the patients to be read from his existing record file. // - Add one Visit record given a Visit object as parameter. The same // function should record the Visit in the patient file. // - Print the patient record according to the format specified in // the files above using the << operator (including history) #include "Patient.hpp" #include "Visit.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////// // File: patient_files/3.txt // // 3 // // Amirah // // Asaad // // F // // 26 // // 3 1/1/2018 Abdullah Alshareef // // 9 4/1/2018 Helen Philips // // 14 8/1/2018 Abdullah Alshareef // //////////////////////////////////// Patient::Patient(u_int32_t id) : id(id) { auto patient_file_path = "patient_files/" + std::to_string(id) + ".txt"; std::ifstream patient_file{patient_file_path}; if (patient_file.is_open()) { patient_file >> *this; } else { std::cerr << "Failed to read patient file at: " + patient_file_path; exit(1); } } void Patient::write_patient() { // create patient's file // this will overwrite any patient with the same id auto patient_file_path = "patient_files/" + std::to_string(id) + ".txt"; std::ofstream patient_file{patient_file_path}; if (patient_file.is_open()) { patient_file << *this; } else { std::cerr << "Failed to create patient file at: " + patient_file_path; exit(1); } } u_int32_t Patient::get_id() const { return id; } void Patient::add_visit(Visit const &visit) { visits.push_back(visit); // could have logic to append data and not re-write the whole thing, but not // worth it // this rewrites the entire file each time a visits gets added write_patient(); } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Patient &patient) { // clang-format off out << patient.id << "\n"; out << patient.first_name << "\n"<< patient.last_name << "\n"; out << patient.gender_char() << "\n"; out << patient.age << "\n"; for (auto visit : patient.visits) out << visit << "\n"; return out; // clang-format on } std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Patient &patient) { char gender_char{}; in >> patient.id; in >> patient.first_name >> patient.last_name; in >> gender_char; in >> patient.age; patient.gender = gender_char == 'M' ? true : false; std::string visit_string; Visit visit{}; // read to string, convert to string stream, read from that stream again // weird C++ gymnastics (or bad design by me) getline(in, visit_string); // first string is always empty for some reason while (getline(in, visit_string)) { std::stringstream visit_stream(visit_string); visit_stream >> visit; patient.visits.push_back(visit); } return in; // clang-format on }