
250 lines
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2021-07-02 13:54:21 +00:00
" My pentadactylrc uses folds
" zR open all folds
" zM close all folds
" za toggle fold at cursor position
" zj move down to start of next fold
" zk move up to end of previous fold
" My pentadactylrc command and mapping quick reference {{{1
" -----------------------------------------------------------------
" Keyboard mappings
" Change Option:
" coh -- toggles the highlight search
" cog -- Toggle the gui on or off
" cob -- shows the bookmark toolbar
" cot -- Toggle the tab bar on or off
" Bookmark:
" bd -- Bookmark in Delicious
" bdm -- Start the dev meeting
" bp -- Add video to Plex
" br -- Read later in Pocket
" bx -- Kick ass!
" Movement:
" w -- Horizontal scroll left
" e -- Horizontal scroll right
" J -- Alternative to <C-f>
" K -- Alternative to <C-b>
" <C-h> -- Switch to next tab to the left
" <C-l> -- Switch to next tab to the right
" H -- Move current tab to the left
" L -- Move current tab to the right
" <C-;> -- Go to the next tab group
" <C-'> -- Go to the previous tab group
" Other Stuff:
" f -- Remapped to ;; to only focus hint
" <C-e> -- Open textarea in external editor
" <M-S-E> -- Map the group tab shortcut to start pass through first
" Keyboard mappings that have been disabled
" d -- Turned off delete current tab
" <bs> -- Turned off backspace as "back"
" <C-a> -- Turned off auto increment because it is annoying
" General settings {{{1
" -----------------------------------------------------------------
set novisualbell
" turn off the freakin' bell
hi Bell display: none;
" Only show the command line and status bar
set guioptions=Csr
" set wild mode to show completions as you type
set wildmode="list:full"
" fix completion list so search engines don't kill tabbing
set complete=lS
" show up to 35 items in the completion list
set maxitems=35
" use a different color scheme
colorscheme solarized-light
" set a stupid title
set titlestring="oh hai!"
" only show the tab bar if there are more than 1 tabs
set showtabline='multitab'
" load plugins that are css as well
set loadplugins='\.(css|js|penta)$'
" Open diverted links automatically
set activate+=diverted
" Toggle dark mode
map -builtin i :exttoggle Advanced Night Mode<CR>
" Searching {{{1
" -----------------------------------------------------------------
" Use home row letters for hints instead of numbers
set hintkeys=asdfgr;lkhiu
" find as you type
set incfind
" highlight the terms
set hlfind
" unless they contain upper-case letters
set findcase=smart
" a toggle for search highlight
map <silent> coh :set hlfind!<CR>
" Set up google as the default search engine
" set defsearch=google
" Mappings {{{1
" leader is space !
map " " <Leader>
" Space does nothing by itself
map -builtin " " <nop>
" bring back/hide portions of the GUI
map -builtin cog :set guioptions!=mBT<CR>
map -builtin cob :toolbartoggle Bookmarks Toolbar<CR>
map -builtin cot :set showtabline!=never,always<CR>
map -builtin <Leader> :tabs<space>
" temporary workaround for copy paste in text boxes
imap -builtin <M-z> <pass>
imap -builtin <M-a> <pass>
imap -builtin <M-x> <pass>
" Also assign ctrl + e as that is easier to type, and what I have
" set up in thunderbird :)
imap -builtin <C-e> <C-i>
imap -builtin jk <Esc>
" Clearly doesn't invoke anymore, this forces it
map -builtin <Leader>md :emenu Tools.Downloads<CR>
map -builtin <Leader>ma :emenu Tools.Add-ons<CR>
map -builtin <Leader>mp :emenu Tools.Preferences<CR>
" Never wanted to go back when I hit delete, now it won't
nmap -builtin <bs> <nop>
" The auto number incremeting is kind of annoying
nmap -builtin <C-a> <nop>
" Go into pass through mode when invoking group tabs
"nmap -builtin <M-S-E> <C-z><M-S-E>
" Text/Typing {{{1
" -----------------------------------------------------------------
" set editor to nvim on a floating alacritty terminal
set editor='alacritty --class=Floating,Floating -e nvim -c "set filetype=markdown"'
set insertmode
" tmap -builtin jk <Esc><Esc>
" imap jk <C-T>
" tmap -builtin jk <Esc><Esc>
imap -builtin jk <Esc>
" map -builtin gi gi
cmap -builtin jk <Esc>
" tell the bell to go beep itself!
" Navigation {{{1
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" smooth scroll setting
set scrollsteps=5
set scrolltime=100
" Scroll settings
map -builtin h 10h
map -builtin l 10l
map -builtin j 10j
map -builtin k 10k
nmap -builtin d 50j
nmap -builtin u 50k
" go forward and back
" map -builtin J <C-f> TODO: RIP
" map -builtin K <C-b>
" Dont want that
nmap -builtin D <nop>
" Go to the next/previous tab
map -builtin J <Esc>:tabprevious <CR>
map -builtin K <Esc>:tabnext <CR>
" Go back and forward in history of the current page
map -builtin H :back<CR>
map -builtin L :forward<CR>
"" Go to the next / previous tab group
"map -builtin <C-;> <C-S-~>
"map -builtin <C-''> <C-`>
" Move the current tab
map -builtin <C-S-J> <Esc>:tabmove! -1<CR>
map -builtin <C-S-K> <Esc>:tabmove! +1<CR>
" Don't follow a hint immediately
map -builtin f ;;
" Bookmarklets {{{2
" -----------------------------------------------------------------
" NOTE: These are bookmarks in Firefox with keywords. You'll have
" to add the bookmarks if they don't exist.
" Bookmark with org protocol
map -builtin <silent> <leader>bo :javascript 'javascript:location.href="org-protocol:///capture?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(document.title||"[untitled page]")'<CR>
" Start up the dev meeting
map -builtin <silent> bd :tabopen bkm-dev-meeting<CR>
" Shortcuts for GitHub Pull Requests
map -builtin <silent> bpr :tabopen bkm-prs-review<CR>
map -builtin <silent> bpq :tabopen bkm-prs-qa<CR>
" Add video on the page to Plex
map -builtin <silent> bp :open bkm-plex<CR>
" Ignore Rules {{{1
" -----------------------------------------------------------------
" pass keys in the folowing websites
:autocmd LocationChange '*' :normal! <C-z>
" :autocmd LocationChange '*' :normal! <C-z>
:autocmd LocationChange '*' :normal! <C-z>
" Interface Tweaks {{{1
" -----------------------------------------------------------------
" Get rid of the tab group / tab selector arrow at the top of the
" vertical tab bar when using Tree Style Tab. This can't be done
" through the interface customization for some reason.
javascript <<EOF
(function() {
var alltabs = document.getElementById('alltabs-button');
if (alltabs !== null) {
" Overrides for local machine {{{1
" -----------------------------------------------------------------
source! ~/.pentadactylrc.local
" turn on folds
" vim: fdm=marker