feat: circe! with helm :)

This commit is contained in:
Flinner Yuu 2022-04-10 01:46:58 +03:00
parent fa4cc515f6
commit 7798ca854f
Signed by: flinner
GPG Key ID: 95CE0DA7F0E58CA6
1 changed files with 51 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ The status line
(use-package doom-modeline
:ensure t
:init (doom-modeline-mode 1)
(display-battery-mode 1)
((doom-modeline-height 15) (doom-modeline-icon t)))
@ -365,6 +367,7 @@ Edit: honestly I have no clue wtf that meant, or why I wrote it, but I will keep
"hv" '(counsel-describe-variable :which-key "Describe Variable")
"hF" '(counsel-describe-face :which-key "Describe Face")
"hi" '(info :which-key "info")
"hm" '(woman :which-key "woman")
**** search (s)
@ -2126,31 +2129,66 @@ I wrote that, neat isn't it? :P
** COMMENT circe
** circe
*** Secrets :^)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
;; Doesn't tangle!
;; loaded in use-package (block below)
(load "~/Documents/passwords/circe-networks.el")
; example content
(add-to-list 'circe-networks `("chat.name/username" :host "irc.example.com" :port 69
:tls t
:nick "nicky"
:pass ,(secrets-get-secret "local" "hehe :^)")
:user "username"))
*** Helper Functions!
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun my/circe/clear ()
"Clear the buffer"
(defun my/circe/build-helm-sources (server-buf)
"Builds helm candidates for a single server"
(helm-build-sync-source (buffer-name server-buf)
(cons (cons (buffer-name server-buf) server-buf)
(cl-loop for buf in
(with-current-buffer server-buf (circe-server-channel-buffers))
collect (cons (buffer-name buf) buf)))
:action (list (cons "Switch to circe" #'switch-to-buffer))))
(defun my/circe/helm-buffers ()
"Switch between circe buffers using helm"
(helm :sources
(cl-loop for server-buf in (circe-server-buffers)
collect (my/circe/build-helm-sources server-buf))
:buffer "*helm circe*"))
*** Setup
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package circe
:defer t
(defun my/circe/clear ()
(add-to-list 'circe-networks `("flinner's znc" :host "flinner.my.to" :port 6697
:tls t
;; :sasl-strict t
:nick ,my/secret/znc/flinner.my.to/username
;; :sasl-username ,my/secret/znc/flinner.my.to/sassl-username
;; :sasl-password ,my/secret/znc/flinner.my.to/secret
:pass ,my/secret/znc/flinner.my.to/secret
:user ,my/secret/znc/flinner.my.to/username
;(add-to-list 'circe-networks `())
;; adding to list happens here!
(load "~/Documents/passwords/circe-networks.el")
(setq circe-color-nicks-min-constrast-ratio 4.5
circe-color-nicks-everywhere t)
:hook (circe-channel-mode . enable-circe-color-nicks)
(circe-format-say "{nick:-16s} {body}")
;; :bind(("C-l" . my/circe/clear))
:bind (:map circe-mode-map
([remap counsel-projectile-find-file] . my/circe/helm-buffers))