feat: minor changes

This commit is contained in:
Flinner 2022-03-18 23:03:31 +03:00
parent aa9781e3fe
commit cdc6c0d1ca
Signed by: flinner
GPG Key ID: 95CE0DA7F0E58CA6
1 changed files with 39 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ Edit: honestly I have no clue wtf that meant, or why I wrote it, but I will keep
"rr" '(org-roam-db-sync :which-key "Roam Sync")
"ri" '(org-roam-node-insert :which-key "Node Insert")
"rI" '(org-id-get-create :which-key "Org Id get/create")
"rT" '(counsel-org-tag :which-key "Org Id get/create")
;; Dailies
@ -1752,19 +1753,20 @@ AucTex
("C-c C-e" . cdlatex-environment))
(LaTeX-mode . flyspell-mode)
(LaTeX-mode . flycheck-mode)
(LaTeX-mode . turn-on-reftex)
(LaTeX-mode . TeX-source-correlate-mode)
(LaTeX-mode . try/latex-mode-setup)
(LaTeX-mode . turn-on-cdlatex)
;; (LaTeX-mode . TeX-fold-mode)
(LaTeX-mode . lsp)
;; (LaTeX-mode . olivetti-mode);; already set as a text-mode-hook
;; (LaTeX-mode . TeX-PDF-mode) ;; what does it do?
;; (LaTeX-mode . company-mode) ;; already enabled globaly
;; (LaTeX-mode . xenops-mode) ;; svgs too lagy :(
;; (LaTeX-mode . flycheck-mode);; already enabled with lsp
;; (LaTeX-mode . LaTeX-math-mode)
(LaTeX-mode . flyspell-mode)
(LaTeX-mode . turn-on-reftex)
(LaTeX-mode . TeX-source-correlate-mode)
(LaTeX-mode . try/latex-mode-setup)
(LaTeX-mode . turn-on-cdlatex)
(LaTeX-mode . lsp)
;; (setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
@ -1773,6 +1775,7 @@ AucTex
(setq TeX-save-query nil)
;; this is becuase i set $out_dir = '/tmp/tex' in `.latexmkrc`
;; and I want to enable forward synctex. don't use it if you don't do like me...
(setq-default TeX-output-dir "/tmp/tex")
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
@ -1803,39 +1806,6 @@ AucTex
Custom functions
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun try/TeX-command-save-buffer-and-run-all ()
"Save the buffer and run TeX-command-run-all"
(let (TeX-save-query) (TeX-save-document (TeX-master-file)))
(TeX-command-run-all nil))
;; copied ivy-bibtex and modified it to cite action
(defun try/ivy-bibtex-cite (&optional arg local-bib)
"Search BibTeX entries using ivy.
With a prefix ARG the cache is invalidated and the bibliography
If LOCAL-BIB is non-nil, display that the BibTeX entries are read
from the local bibliography. This is set internally by
(interactive "P")
(when arg
(let* ((candidates (bibtex-completion-candidates))
(key (bibtex-completion-key-at-point))
(preselect (and key
(cl-position-if (lambda (cand)
(member (cons "=key=" key)
(cdr cand)))
(ivy-read (format "Insert citation %s: " (if local-bib " (local)" ""))
:preselect preselect
:caller 'ivy-bibtex
:history 'ivy-bibtex-history
:action 'ivy-bibtex-insert-citation)))
(defun try/latex-mode-setup ()
(require 'company-reftex)
@ -1844,25 +1814,13 @@ from the local bibliography. This is set internally by
(require 'company-math)
(setq-local company-backends
(append '(
(append '((company-reftex-labels company-reftex-citations)
(company-math-symbols-unicode company-math-symbols-latex company-latex-commands)
(company-auctex-macros company-auctex-symbols company-auctex-environments)
(defun try/counsel-insert-file-path ()
"Insert relative file path using counsel minibuffer"
(unless (featurep 'counsel) (require 'counsel))
(ivy-read "Insert filename: " 'read-file-name-internal
:matcher #'counsel--find-file-matcher
(lambda (x)
(insert (file-relative-name x)))))
@ -1981,6 +1939,15 @@ ivy bibtex
`([,(cdr char-regexp) 0 font-shape-gstring]))))
** Key freq
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package keyfreq
:defer 10
(keyfreq-mode 1)
(keyfreq-autosave-mode 1))
* Elfeed org
=;; (setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list "~/Documents/private.el/elfeed.org"))=
** Elfeed-org
@ -2306,6 +2273,9 @@ Breaking change betweeen =mu4e-alert= and =mu= :(
(telega-chat-mode . my/telega/olivetti)
(telega-chat-mode . my/telega/company-backends)
;; installed telegram-tdlib from AUR
:custom (telega-server-libs-prefix "/usr")
(telega-chat-bidi-display-reordering 'right-to-left)
(telega-emoji-use-images nil))